
June 22, 2017

Invaluable Service: Volunteers Honored in 2017 Awards Ceremony

June 22, 2017

On June 15, Cooley Dickinson celebrated the commitment of 47 volunteers, all of whom had reached milestone numbers of volunteered hours, from 100 to 9,000.

Director of Volunteers Robin Kline and VP of Operations and Administrative Services Tony Scibelli were on hand to shake hands, give awards and thank the volunteers for their invaluable service to the organization. Honored for their service were:

  • Linda Graves, 3,000 hours
  • David Neal, 3,000 hours
  • Dennis Daniels, 4,000 hours
  • Emily Burque, 5,000 hours
  • Irene Cloutier, 7,000 hours
  • Doris Hebert, 8,000 hours
  • Julie Lamson, 9,000 hours
Volunteer Award Recognition
Mary Willard, center, was one of two volunteers who received the Emeritus award. Mary graduated from the Cooley Dickinson School of Nursing, worked as a registered nurse for 50 years at Cooley Dickinson, and volunteered for an additional 20 years.
Julie Lamson, right, was celebrated for volunteering 9,000 hours at Cooley Dickinson Hospital’s Coffee Shop. Pictured with Julie are Coffee Shop Manager Janet Filary and VP of Operations and Administrative Services Tony Scibelli.
Madge Lenz, center, one of two volunteers who received the Emeritus award, gave her time to benefit Cooley Dickinson’s patients for 40 years, primarily at the main information desk.










“Emeritus” awards were also given out to two volunteers who are no longer able to commit time, but without whom the hospital would not have been the same over the last half-century. These included Madge Lenz, who began volunteering in 1976 and subsequently put in 40 years behind the main information desk, and Mary Willard, a founding member of the Friends of Cooley Dickinson (then known as the Cooley Dickinson Auxiliary). Willard worked as a nurse at Cooley Dickinson Hospital for 50 years before retiring, and volunteered for 20 more years, also mostly at the main information desk.

Cooley Dickinson salutes the generous time and work commitment demonstrated by all of our volunteers, and acknowledges that the organization would not be the same without them.

Interested in learning how you can donate your time to benefit Cooley Dickinson’s patients and programs? Visit our Volunteer page.
