
July 3, 2024

Post PT, Patient Asks, “What’s Next?” Finds Support, Fitness at the Wellness & Sports Performance Center

July 3, 2024

A group of patients at Wellness and Sports Performance CenterHadley resident Catherine “Katie” Day had total shoulder replacement surgery at Cooley Dickinson Hospital in 2018. Her procedure, performed by Chief of Orthopedic Surgery Dr. Jonathan Fallon, went well.

After six weeks in a sling and six months of physical therapy, Katie was healed, pain-free and discharged from her outpatient physical therapy program. “PT was great, but I was like, ‘what’s next?’” she remembered thinking.

Katie found the answer soon after when a postcard announcing the opening of the new Cooley Dickinson Wellness & Sports Performance Center arrived in her mailbox. “I felt like that mailer was written just for me,” Katie joked.

Without wasting any time, Katie contacted the Wellness & Sports Performance Center and scheduled a consultation with Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Jared Bean. “I was hooked,” Katie recalls after speaking with Jared. “He understood my needs and fears. And he got me started immediately.”

Six years and more than 500 classes later, Katie is one of the longest running WSPC clients. She attends the adult fitness class three times a week. “Except for the months the gym was closed during COVID, I attend classes 2 to 3 times per week,” she noted.

Katie loves her fitness classmates, the trainers and most importantly, how she is feeling. “At age 62, I’ve never felt better. I am stronger, and more coordinated and confident! The classes changed how I treat my body, and it’s one of the most important things I do in my week. There’s great music; we laugh. We have a ball.”

In April, Jared presented Katie with a ‘500” class shirt, a recognition for achieving the 500-class mark. Next up for Katie is surpassing the 750-class goal and completing her second Happy Valley 5K this October.

“What impresses me about the Wellness & Sports Performance center is this concept of after-care,” added Katie. “Following PT, I really didn’t have a safe place to go where I could get supervised workouts. Now I do and I am stronger because of it. I plan to continue at the Wellness & Sports Performance Center for years to come!”

Learn more about Wellness and Sports Performance Center classes