
Provider Profile


Family Nurse Practitioner

Department + Services

Urgent Care Services

Training + Education

Bachelor of Science, Nursing - Southeastern Massachusetts University | Dartmouth, MA
Master of Science, Medical/Surgical Clinical Nurse Specialist - Sage Graduate School University | Troy, NY
Post Master Family Nurse Practitioner - University of Massachusetts | Amherst, MA

Board Certifications

ANCC Family Nurse Certification
Member of American Nurses Association
Member of Massachusetts Coalition of Nurse Practitioners

My Philosophy

Caring is the root of nursing. As a Nurse Practitioner, I believe in caring and in evaluating patients by listening and collaborating, with a holistic approach to treatment and education utilizing evidence-based practice.


Juanita Carnes has 34 years of Emergency Department, Occupational Health and Urgent Care experience, 15 as an RN and 19 as an Advanced Practice Nurse, specifically a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). Within her work world, suturing and solving the mystery of diagnosing are her favorite parts of her job. She is the Chair of the City of Westfield Board of Health.

When she’s not working, Juanita loves to spend time with her family of three wonderful sons and their wives, her 8 year-old grandson, her spouse, 3 golden retrievers and a black cat, as well as friends and extended family. You may find her on the bike trail hiking or at the lake. At home she enjoys cooking, sewing and reading with a cup of tea. During normal times, her favorite escape is mid-coast Maine.

Ratings and Reviews for Juanita Carnes, RN, MSN, FNP-BC

Cooley Dickinson Urgent Care

CONTACT 413-582-4400

OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri: 8 AM - 8 PM; Sat-Sun 9 AM - 5 PM.

Location & Directions 12 College Highway
Southampton, MA. 01073
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