Visiting Us for the First Time?
Receiving a cancer diagnosis is life-changing. It triggers a universe of emotions for those diagnosed and their loved ones, and can add layers of complexity to already complicated lives. If you are a Pioneer Valley resident who has recently received a cancer diagnosis as a result of screening–or know someone who is—you have access to the same level of care in Northampton at the Mass General Cancer Center at Cooley Dickinson Hospital as you would in Boston at the Mass General Cancer Center.
Our supportive team at the Mass General Cancer Center at Cooley Dickinson Hospital will help you feel at ease. The care team also offers the skills, expertise, resources, and technology that are critical to any cancer diagnosis and treatment. If you are visiting our cancer center for the first time, read on for helpful reminders.

Who You’ll Meet
The Mass General Cancer Center at Cooley Dickinson Hospital is designed to coordinate care so members of your team are available in one location. Depending on your diagnosis, it is likely your care team will include a medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, surgeon, nurses, social worker, and other members of your care team. For your first appointment with us, please bring the following information with you or help coordinate these materials so we have them when we see you:
- Any images (X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans) or general cancer screening test results that your doctor requested
- Names and telephone numbers of all your doctors
- A list of all prescriptions, allergies (or reactions to medications), over-the-counter medications, and supplements or herbs you take, as well as any integrative therapies such as acupuncture or massage that you are using
- A list of questions for your care team.

Nurse Navigator
Patients and members of their families often have fear and anxiety about a cancer diagnosis. In her role as the nurse navigator at the Mass General Cancer Center at Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Becky Puchalski, RN, helps those who are newly diagnosed with cancer understand their diagnosis and treatment options. When someone is diagnosed, Becky and her colleagues support cancer patients by providing individualized care from diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Nurse navigators meet with newly diagnosed patients to assist with access issues, appointment coordination, and assistance with referrals to community resources.

Healing Garden
Located in an interior courtyard adjacent to the cancer center and complete with meandering walkways, water features, trees, grasses, and plantings, the Healing Garden offers a sanctuary for mobile patients, visitors, and staff who seek quiet time and a chance to connect with nature and self. Patients unable to enjoy the outdoor garden have access to garden views from several treatment areas, hospital corridors, and patient rooms. An ongoing engraved brick program offers the community an opportunity to continue to support the garden. Thoughtful memories, quotes, or other meaningful words are displayed throughout the garden’s main walkway. For more information about the Healing Garden brick and donation program at Cooley Dickinson Hospital, please call 413-582-GIVE (4483).

Our Financial counselors can assist with questions related to bills and insurance coverage. They can also help you apply for government assistance if you are having difficulty with medical costs. For more information, visit our Financial Assistance page, or call Financial Counseling at 413-582-2021.

Medical Interpreters
Non-English, limited English-proficient, deaf and hard-of-hearing patients and family members have the right to free medical interpretation services. Your doctor’s office can schedule an interpreter or coordinate medical interpreter services on your behalf.

Gugger Memorial Chapel
The Gugger Memorial Chapel is a non-denominational space for people of any faith or belief to seek comfort and peace. Overlooking the hospital’s healing garden, the room features a majestic natural centerpiece cut from ancient Goshen stone, and offers a warm, quiet space for those contemplating matters of depth and spirituality. The Chapel was made possible by Brock Lynch, MD, a retired cancer surgeon, World War II veteran and a tenor in the Young@Heart Chorus, coupled with additional donations from the community, and was named for Lynch’s brother-in-law, Vincent Daniel Gugger.
Our Pledge to You
The Mass General Cancer Center at Cooley Dickinson Hospital provides people living with cancer expert care and access to the latest treatments. Northampton-based medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and surgeons partner with cancer specialists at the Mass General Cancer Center in Boston. This collaboration allows you or your loved one to be treated in a comfortable setting close to family, friends, and familiar surroundings. If care needs to be coordinated with Boston-area cancer specialists, the Northampton-based team ensures a smooth coordination of care, and is dedicated to supporting families throughout the many challenging steps that can follow a cancer diagnosis.
As dedicated partners in your cancer care, we will:
- Keep you informed about how treatment is working
- Help relieve your pain and address any side effects of treatment
- Treat you with care and dignity including respecting your personal wishes and beliefs
- Encourage you and your loved ones to ask questions; we will give clear and complete explanations that you understand
- Provide information about educational resources and support services that are available to you, your family and friends
If you have questions, call 413-582-2900.