
The Story Project

Sharing Personal Experiences to Help Others

Share Your Story

Sharing stories can offer support and serve as inspiration to people who are affected by cancer. That could include your story. If you have a cancer survivor story to share, we invite you to share yours with the Mass General Cancer Center at Cooley Dickinson Story Project.

The Story Project hopes to empower the Cancer Center community through sharing the cancer stories of those who have been impacted by the disease. We would love to talk with you about your own experience, and the people you’ve encountered on your journey. Sharing your story can help you heal, and help others who are facing cancer feel less alone.

For more information, email feedback@cooleydickinson.org, or click the green bar to the upper right.

  • Missi

    "Standing up to the cancer and thinking positively, every day, at every opportunity: This focused mindset has been a big part of my recovery."

    - Missi Richardson, Easthampton

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  • Seth

    “What I went through speaks to the good fortune of the people of the Pioneer Valley. When you are sick, it’s very hard to navigate and advocate for yourself. For me, I was so fortunate. These people saved my life.”

    - Seth Dunn, Florence

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  • babs

    "I hope to encourage people to express what they are going through, be it through art, writing, music, or dance."

    - babs Mayer, Montague

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  • Jim

    “When you are told you have cancer, it can be very scary. But the thing to do is to not panic. Get all the information from your medical team."

    - Jim Burke, Greenfield

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