Belchertown Internal Medicine
Dr. Patrick J. Boyce has been practicing adult internal medicine for 32 years, having graduated from the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1984. Dr. Boyce provides patient, compassionate care to adults in the Belchertown, Granby, South Hadley and Pelham regions of Hampshire County, is board-certified in Internal Medicine and is affiliated with Cooley Dickinson Hospital.
Belchertown Internal Medicine is connected to a broad network of medical specialists. As part of the Cooley Dickinson Medical Group, the practice has access to a wide variety of specialists at Cooley Dickinson Hospital and throughout the region, and can provide seamless referrals within the network.
Offices are conveniently located in a new building at 40 Turkey Hill Road, Suite B, at the intersection of Turkey Hill Rd. and State Street (Rte. 202). Adjacent landmarks include the Tractor Supply Company and the Eastern Hampshire District Court.
Our new location includes direct access to a lab/patient service center and Cooley Dickinson Medical Group Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, both of which we share a building with.