The Garden: Resources
Find resources from The Garden, A Center for Grieving Children and Teens. The Garden is a program of Cooley Dickinson VNA & Hospice and supports bereaved young people ages 5-18 years.
Find resources from The Garden, A Center for Grieving Children and Teens. The Garden is a program of Cooley Dickinson VNA & Hospice and supports bereaved young people ages 5-18 years.
Helping Children Understand Feelings of Grief through Reading
'Out of a Jar' by Deborah Marcero helps young readers learn that facing and expressing feelings is far better than keeping them tucked away and inside oneself. At The Garden, we believe that any feeling that anyone is having is ok, it's what you do with the feeling that counts. Rather than burying a feeling it's important to find ways to express the feeling that doesn't hurt oneself, others, or their space.
'OUT OF A JAR' HELPS YOUNG READERS UNDERSTAND FEELINGS OF GRIEFAt The Garden, our activities, projects, and games connect to a different theme each week. One such theme is 'Memories and Remembering.' Sometimes facilitators will read 'The Memory Box-- A Book About Grief' by Joanna Rowland and invite participants to make a memory box to store keepsakes and pictures of their special person who died.
Valentine's Day can stir up some challenging emotions for someone who is grieving. Here are 7 tips for coping with grief and Valentine's Day.