Diane Dukette

Chief Development Officer

Tel: (413) 582-2811
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: ddukette@mgb.org

Campaign Giving
Donor Relations


Georgia Moore

Director of Leadership Gifts

Tel: (413) 582-2464
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: gamoore@mgb.org

Donor Cultivation
VNA/Hospice Giving


Jenny Papageorge

Director of Planned Giving

Tel: (413) 582-2687
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: jpapageorge@mgb.org

Planned and Estate Gifts
Charitable Gift Annuities


Linda Medeiros

Director of Development Operations

Tel: (413) 582-2885
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: lmmedeiros@mgb.org

Database and Operations
Special Purpose Funds


Nathan D. Bazinet

Manager, Development Communications & Special Projects

Tel: (413) 582-2255
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: nbazinet@mgb.org

Direct Mail
Special Projects


Jenn Margolis

Senior Development Officer

Tel: (413) 582-2684
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: jbmargolis@mgb.org

1886 Society
Golf Fore Health Tournament
Third Party Events


Jon Scully

Manager, Grateful Patient Program

Tel: (413) 582-2465
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: jscully3@mgb.org

Grateful Patient Program


Dara Shackleford

Dara Shackleford

Grants & Stewardship Officer

Tel: (413) 582-2896
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: dshackelford@mgb.org

Grants and Foundation Proposals
Stewardship of Donors


Janice “Jannie” Kitchen

Tel: (413) 582-2255
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: jkitchen1@mgb.org


Michelle Morse

Development Coordinator

Tel: (413) 582-2255
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: mmorse17@mgb.org

Central Point of Contact
Event Support
Donor Recognition and Plaques


Laura Andersen

Development Database Coordinator

Tel: (413) 582-2256
Fax: (413) 582-2942
Email: landersen3@mgb.org

Gift Entry
Donor Acknowledgements and Tax Receipts
Payroll Deduction
Database and Address Updates